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Historic Exteriors
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5 Tudor City Place | New York, NY
Facade Restoration with Terra Cotta Spire Reconstruction (Landmark District)

225 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY
Facade Restoration with Balcony Reconstruction

310 West End Avenue | New York, NY
Facade Restoration with Terra Cotta Cornice Reconstruction

940 Park Avenue | New York, NY
Facade Restoration with Terra Cotta Replacement

25 Tudor City Place | New York, NY
Facade Restoration and Terra Cotta Replacement (Landmark District)
752 West End Avenue | New York, NY
Window Replacement Master Plan

220 12th Avenue | New York, NY
Facade Restoration (Landmark District)

320 East 42nd Street | New York, NY
Facade Restoration with Terra Cotta Gargoyle Replacement (Landmark District)
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